The reasons people come to see me vary enormously, and of course every person has their unique set of circumstances. To name just a few, they may be struggling with low mood, having trouble managing their anger or anxiety, suffering from low self-esteem, struggling with school/college or personal relationships, feeling isolated, or dealing with some really difficult things that have happened (or are happening) in their lives.
Sometimes, young people tell me that they don't even know what it is that they are feeling or why, let alone knowing how to feel better. That's where my role comes in, as a psychotherapist: we figure it out together.
That's completely ok. Therapy can feel weird at first! You may well find after a time that you are talking more freely, as we get to know each other. Regardless, everyone is different, and there's no right or wrong amount for you to talk.
As well as talking, we sometimes use art, music, poetry and song lyrics, drama and embodied movement, and a technique with a sandtray, which can be used by arranging miniature figures and objects to make a "small world" scene or story.
You don't have to be talented at any of these creative forms (and neither do I, luckily!) but we just use them because they add more than words. You're welcome to bring in song lyrics, music, or pictures that you have come across and mean something to you.
I can keep what you tell me in sessions confidential, unless you tell me something that leaves me concerned for your safety or someone else's. There might be times I need to tell someone else in order to help keep you or another person safe. In those situations I would try to let you know first that I'm going to do that.
Therapy is normally once a week, on the same day, at the same time, in the same room. The sessions last for 50 minutes.
Once we start, therapy works far better if you can come along every time. However, it is always your choice to come to therapy with me in the first place, and whether to continue.
Over time, therapy can help you to build positive relationships with the other people in your life - and with yourself. Therapy can't fix any awful things that have happened to you of course, but it can help you begin to heal, feel differently inside, and have more choices in how to be in your life now.
It's worth meeting with two or three therapists so that you find the right "fit" - it's really important that you feel comfortable with your therapist, even if it feels a bit strange coming to therapy at first!
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